
Consent is a fundamental principle in data processing under the GDPR. It is the act of obtaining clear and unambiguous permission from an individual (data subject) to process their personal data for specific purposes. Here's how to explore the concept of consent in data processing and how to obtain and manage it:

  • Obtaining Consent: When seeking consent, it's crucial to ensure that it is freely given, specific, informed, and an unambiguous indication of the data subject's wishes. Consent should be obtained through a clear and easily understandable process. Organisations should use plain language and avoid pre-ticked boxes or other default settings that imply consent.

  • Managing Consent: Organisations must keep records of consent, including who consented, when they consented, and what they consented to. Consent records should be easily accessible for compliance purposes. Additionally, individuals should have the option to withdraw their consent at any time.

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